May 5, 2010

Voter Registration Surge Adds to UK Election Unpredictability

Posted in Election reform, Elections, politics, UK Election, voter registration, voting tagged , , , , , at 5:26 pm by bluebanshee

A new law in the UK has made a late surge in voter registration possible and at the same time made the task of prognosticators and pollsters  trying to predict likely election results much more difficult.  This new law set the deadline for voter registration the eleventh day of the campaign.  Previously on one could add his or her name to the electoral roll once a general election had officially been called by the Prime Ministers.

This has led to an enormous increase in voter registration across the United Kingdom. Pre-election polling shows the three parties locked in a tight race with no party favored to gain a governing majority. A large pool of new voters can only increase the unpredictability as UK voters go to the polls to choose a new Prime Minister. After 13 years of Labor Party rule it seems likely that change is in the air. It is uncertain what form this change will take. Read the rest of this entry »